Book: Mais que um Leão por Dia (More than a Lion per Day)

Book: Mais que um Leão por Dia (More than a Lion per Day) Author: Alexandre Costa Nascimento (Ali Costa) Publishing house: Ed. Nossa Cultura Language: Portuguese Pages: 448 pages (40 pages of photos*) ISBN: 978-85-8066-145-3 Price: US$ 25 (+International shipping+tax) – Click here to buy *Including photos by: Alexandre Costa Nascimento, Thijs Kupers, James Campbell, Marco Panebianco, Michael Hearle and Din van Helden. Summary Meet the saga of the first Brazilian to cross the African continent by bike! Amazing reports, funny stories, lush landscapes and the most beautiful pictures of the countries visited by the Tour d’Afrique expedition. Description Cross the African continent – from north to south – is an incontestable adventure. This experience riding a bicycle just increase the dose of adrenaline to the trip. That’s how the journalist Alexandre Costa Nascimento became the first Brazilian to participate in the Tour d’Afrique, expedition that attracts cyclists from all around the world to the challenge to travel 12,000 kilometers that separate Cairo, in Egypt, to Cape Town, in South Africa.

In this book, Alexandre tells the adventure lived for four months, merging information from 11 countries visited with the surprises offered at each stage: stunning visuals, wildlife, desert, sand storms, heat 40 degrees during the day and cold 0 degree at dawn, flat tires, falls, bruises, unexpected illnesses. In addition to an impressive report, “Mais que um Leão por Dia” [More than a Lion per Day] shows the personal transformation experienced by the journalist, the self-knowledge gained, the friendships built and the awakening of the theme bike as a determining factor for mobility across the globe.

About the Author Alexandre Costa Nascimento is a journalist, cyclist and vice versa. He does his bike as mean of transport, policy cause, journalistic agenda and leisure. He is the author of the Ir e Vir de Bike blog and believe in cycling as a tool to build more human cities and a more balanced world. Having cycled more than 20 countries he was the first Brazilian cyclist and representative of a Latin American country to participate in the Tour d’Afrique, having completed the expedition with the EFI status. Already delivered several lectures and seminars on sustainable urban mobility, traffic safety and cicloactivism in forums, companies and universities in Brazil and abroad.

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